Our new Friday night family tradition. We do a Love Mob act and then have a pizza picnic and movie night.
Playing in the conference hut while mom listens to the talks.
Another season of soccer games in the books.
Play-Doh fun at preschool.
Leaf man!
I took the kids to the pumpkin patch and we had a great time even though it was hard on me because I realized that it's just going to be me and the kids from now on. I knew it would be for the best eventually but I remember the pain I felt going with the kids to the pumpkin patch alone. All I could do was put on a fake smile so the kids didn't know how much I was hurting.
The pain from knowing what Chad did and that our marriage was over was hard and there were days that I thought my heart was physically breaking. I was having a really hard this day and even though I wanted to divorce Chad, it still hurt when I served him just 4 days before. I could feel myself getting depressed and all I wanted to do was sleep so the pain would go away but I knew my kids needed their mom. So forced myself to get up and I took Prescott to Grandma's so I could spend some quality one on one time with Paislee. We went on a bike ride and I let her lead the way, it was just the thing I needed for my broken heart.
Wore the color red proud as I helped with my 1st full day Little Miracles project. What an amazing day for my cute Paislee and I to be a part of. This is what it's all about and this is how you fix a broken heart!
I had a hard time putting the Huntsman Halloween party together this year. But I am so glad I did because it was so much fun!
Fusion dance party
1st Halloween night without my kids, but we made the most of the time we had together before Halloween night. Memories are going to be a little bit different now but that's okay we can do hard things!
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