Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I can't believe Prescott is 6 month old, even though he looks much bigger. In fact he is in the 97% for his height and we all know he might be a mini Chad but he didn't get height from his dad. He is 85% for his weight and 40% for his head. So Mr. Prescott is a big boy, but again the cutest little big boy I have ever seen. His hair is growing so fast and he needs his first haircut soon. He has had 6 back to back ear infections, a burst eardrum and two eardrums retract in just 7 weeks. It has been pure hell at our house and I just want my sweet and happy baby back. We are doing everything the doctors want us to do but I feel like we have to jump through 100 hoops before they will just put tubes in! So if his ears don't heal this time and he gets one more infection, they will finally schedule tubes. Prescott also gets to start trying some foods. We get to start him on rice cereal for a month and then he gets to try oatmeal for a month and then vegetables. We actually have tried rice cereal one day when he was feeling better after his injection for his ear. He absolutely loved it and was grabbing and shoving the spoon in his mouth. But unfortunately since we can't get his ears better we had to put the rice cereal on hold. Just in case he ends up having a reaction we don't want to add that in with his ear problem. I can't wait for his ears to heal up because when he feels good he is the sweetest baby ever. He loves to laughs and babble, he also sucks or chews on everything. His favorite person of all time is still Paislee. He wants to be right next to her and then he just sits and watches everything she does.

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