Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Our house/kids got so sick and no joke it lasted for 2 freakin' weeks. It started when I found out Prescott's eardrum had burst. I had no idea and I felt like the worst mom ever when I found out. Then 4 days later he wasn't getting any better so we took him back and found out the medicine hadn't done a dang thing. So we started a new medicine and things started to look up for like a day. Then he started screaming and crying all day and night again. Then the fever started, the 104 degree fever. Let me tell you how much fun it is to have a baby whose busted eardrum isn't healed and now has a virus and a crazy high fever. So once we got him feeling better, Paislee came home from my mom's with a 103 degree fever and lovely fever blisters all over her mouth. Her virus lasted 4 days and then we thought she was getting over it. When she woke up crying her ears hurt, so I took her to the doctors and asked them for a punch card so my next visit would be free. She now had double ear infections, let's just say this mama was done. So finally after two weeks my kids got over everything and were smiling & happy again. Nothing can make a tired and wore out mommy smile more than seeing this sweet, cute dimple face.

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